Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Trinity, Disentegration

Mother, Father and Daughter

Three separate beings

Sharing one heart,

For a while

Until Father breaks off

A piece of Mother's heart

Fracturing the whole.

He breaks Her heart

She floats into the distance

The Daughter, the common bond

Cannot hold the center

For long.

Her Innocence is strong

It will be Broken into slivers of

Confused Agape

But She does not


Not yet.

That her heart

Is broken.

Only Hope,

A planarian

Might restore

Two halves.


What does love look like?

Is it a beautiful woman sharing

the topography of her pearl silk smooth breasts?

Being deep inside her with

emotions crashing at high tide?

Or is it an old woman

Wrinkled and fragile

paper thin membrane

of blood bruised skin.

Her cold hand framed in

winter twigs and hazy

irises and yellowing corneas

blood shot spider



melting like erosion

to the ground.

The woman who knew

You before you did.

Or the full body tackling hug of a

daughter who knows

and breathes what,

for now,

is your omniscience

and strength.

Like the devout

Kneeling before "God".

She looks up at you

making faces inspiring

your hope to worthiness.

Or, the woman whose

scent was your first

and is the beginning

of the pain and emptiness

because every inhalation

is not



And you remember

what you did not know.

Is it the person

or the idea

the experience

or the reality,

if there is such a thing,

the light of sight

the blackness of memory.

Or the silent air


peacefully and fully

a mosaic




